What We Do

"Being disabled does not mean Un-abled, just Different Abled."
  Noel Helm                                   

What we do, 
we do for community, too. 

Since 1985, Work Plus has been providing quality, community based services to adults with disabilities*. Our agency works collaboratively with the community in an effort to educate the public about disabilities and to provide quality community based employment services. Work Plus offers a variety of services designed to meet individual needs for adults with disabilities.

The goal of Work Plus programming is to increase independence, participation in the community, and social interaction for this group individuals. We work with individuals to incorporate personal and responsible choices and activities, continually adjusting and revising supports to meet each individuals' goals and needs.  

Services Offered

Work Plus offers individuals with disabilities a variety of employment, day programming and case management services. Our agency supports individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Physical Disabilities, Dual Diagnosis and Autism. Services are developed according to the needs of the individual. In some cases, services are coordinated with other agencies to assure that services are comprehensive and consistent. Employment services include the following:

 Job Development and Direct Placement (career explorations, resume development, interview readiness, assessment of soft work skills and individualized job placement. For individuals who will require minimal assistance after securing employment).

 Supported Job Development and Placement (career explorations, resume development, interview readiness, assessment of soft work skills, and individualized job placement. For individuals who will require intensive assistance after securing employment).

 On-Site Training (assisting the disabled employee with instruction, work hardening, development of stamina and endurance while adjusting to the work environment. For individuals who require more than minimal assistance to learn the job but not for long term intervention.)

 Supported Employment (provides ongoing support for individuals with severe disabilities to maintain employment. This involves long-term job coaching and coordination of activities in an integrated work environment. As the employee gains skills and confidence the job coach gradually spends less time at the worksite but support may never be completely removed.)

What is Supported Employment?

Supported Employment is a way to move individuals from dependence on a service system to independence through competitive employment. As the employee gains skills and confidence the job coach gradually spends less time at the work-site yet support is never completely removed. 

Supported employment facilitates competitive work in an integrated work setting for individuals with the most severe disabilities for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred. 

Supported Employment provides assistance with job coaching, case management, assistive technology and individual tailored services and supervision. Work Plus Case Managers work with individual clients, families, and other referral sources to develop programs and identify appropriate community resources. Case Managers assess individual needs, then broker services offering appropriate resources. Case Managers can assist families with home programming, transportation arrangements benefits support, job support, and other beneficial community services. 

Funding Sources

Work Plus receives the majority of its funding from county and state grants along with some private pay and a small amount of designated donations. Recent years have realized budget decreases in county grants and funding. Coinciding with this is an increase in programming costs. Work Plus works collaboratively with Family Care, IRIS and the Division of Vocation Rehabilitation.  If you would like to assist, please contact us.

            Community Partnerships

We salute this evolving group of outstanding businesses and departments that embrace individuals with physical and mental disabilities in our communities. Your business can helpsupport these individuals who can make your company an even better workplace.Your actions will createa positive ripple you may never have thought possible.

To simply explore and discuss options, kindly contact:

Kathy Schoepp, Executive Director    or    Randy Fischer, Associate Director
(608) 238-6018 extension 208                    (608) 238-6018 extension 203
kschoepp@workplus.org                            rfischer@workplus.org 

                                                                                                          Thank You


of adults with disabilities rely on family and friends for assistance with daily activities (in the United States).
 World Health Organization                
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